السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
هذه مجموعة اقتباسات تعبر عني و عن اسم المدونة
و التي هي بمعنى ادمان الكتب
نستطيع ان نسميها اقتباسات أو دلائل على ادمان الكتب
you know you are a bookaholic
- when You select your handbags based on whether they are big enough to fit a book
- when you have spent your paycheck and then realize you forgot to buy groceries!
- when You will allow your friends to borrow your books, but provide them with a list of do and do not’s!!
. . . . do not bend the pages down to mark your place!
. . . . do use a bookmark!
. . . . do not use a bookmark that will scratch up or rip the pages!
. . . . do take the cover off of my hardback book!!
. . . . do not let anyone else borrow it!
. . . . do bring it back better than when you borrowed it!
- when you can’t leave a bookstore without buying something
- When stay up all night looking online for new books to read and you don’t stop at ten books
- when you go to a bookstore and realise you’ve read all the books in your favourite genre section
- when you’re in class and hide your novel behind your textbook because you just couldn’t wait to read that next chapter
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